Authentication Response

Json Response

When you successfully log in to a WebSocket, the server typically responds with a confirmation or authentication message. The exact format of the response depends on the WebSocket server implementation and the application's requirements. However, I can provide you with a generic example.

    "uuid": "81cb534d-8924-46d8-a8c3-ff62fd0c16e8",
    "created_on": "2024-02-19T16:06:00.210Z",
    "type": "auth",
    "message": "WSS connection d7411060-f28c-443d-adef-0da909d43dbe@ - success auth",
    "payload": {
        "uuid": "d7411060-f28c-443d-adef-0da909d43dbe",
        "ip": "",
        "user": {
            "created_on": "2022-04-26T05:37:15.707Z",
            "modified_on": "2023-09-22T15:07:46.346Z",
            "uuid": "e0b59b61-df04-4303-8040-e4929930cd71",
            "email": "",
            "phone_number": "4528725",
            "first_name": "freefone",
            "wss_online": true,
            "last_name": "testacc",
            "avatar": null,
            "dob": null,
            "role": "User",
            "gender": null,
            "deleted_on": null
        "account": {
            "created_on": "2022-04-26T05:37:15.707Z",
            "modified_on": "2023-12-04T05:57:32.303Z",
            "uuid": "58699aff-b3dd-46b6-b428-029cde3368a4",
            "email": "",
            "name": "SOupra",
            "phone": "9038479977",
            "level": "Level2",
            "address1": "BT road",
            "address2": "eeeeeFFF",
            "zip_code": "700004",
            "city": "kolakata",
            "deleted_on": null,
            "disabled_on": null
    "account": {
        "created_on": "2022-04-26T05:37:15.707Z",
        "modified_on": "2023-12-04T05:57:32.303Z",
        "uuid": "58699aff-b3dd-46b6-b428-029cde3368a4",
        "email": "",
        "name": "SOupra",
        "phone": "9038479977",
        "level": "Level2",
        "address1": "BT road",
        "address2": "eeeeeFFF",
        "zip_code": "700004",
        "city": "kolakata",
        "deleted_on": null,
        "disabled_on": null
    "batch": null,
    "tn_order": null,
    "transaction": null,
    "tn_lease": null,
    "sms_brand": null,
    "tn": null,
    "call_asr": null,
    "tn_order_tn": null,
    "call_flow": null,
    "sms_campaign": null,
    "call": null,
    "sip_user": null,
    "call_record": null,
    "sip_domain": null,
    "ticket": null,
    "sms": null,
    "user": null,
    "modified_on": "2024-02-19T16:06:00.210Z",
    "delivery_report": []

Last updated