Phone Number

Number API: Tailor Your Telephony Experience

Opentact's Number API offers users the ability to acquire US and Canada phone numbers from various Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) across both countries. With support for both long code and toll-free numbers, Opentact provides a versatile telephony solution to meet your specific communication needs.

Key Features:

1. Wide Selection of Numbers:

  • Description:

    • Explore and choose from a diverse pool of US and Canada phone numbers available through Opentact. Tailor your telephony strategy with the right mix of long code and toll-free options.

2. Voice Capable Numbers:

  • Description:

    • All numbers acquired through Opentact are inherently voice capable, ensuring a seamless calling experience for your communication needs.

3. SMS Compatibility:

  • Description:

    • While every number supports voice functionality, note that SMS capabilities may vary. Some numbers are SMS-enabled, opening up additional channels for your messaging requirements.

API Actions:

Leverage Opentact's Number API to perform the following essential actions:

1. Search Numbers:

  • Description:

    • Effortlessly discover available numbers by utilizing Opentact's API to search and filter through the extensive database of US and Canada phone numbers.

  • Use Case:

    • Find the perfect number with specific criteria, such as area code or toll-free options, to align with your business or personal preferences.

2. Buy Numbers:

  • Description:

    • Seamlessly acquire desired numbers with the API's 'Buy' functionality. Tailor your telephony portfolio by adding new numbers to your Opentact account.

  • Use Case:

    • Expand your telephony presence by purchasing numbers that align with your communication strategy, whether for business or personal use.

3. Release Numbers:

  • Description:

    • Optimize your number inventory by releasing numbers that are no longer needed or align with evolving communication requirements.

  • Use Case:

    • Efficiently manage your number portfolio by releasing resources that are no longer relevant, ensuring cost-effectiveness and streamlined operations.

4. Get Purchased Numbers:

  • Description:

    • Retrieve a comprehensive list of the numbers you've purchased using the 'Get Purchased Numbers' API endpoint, providing transparency and control over your telephony assets.

  • Use Case:

    • Maintain visibility into your acquired numbers, facilitating effective tracking and management within your Opentact account.

Unlock the Potential of Telephony:

Whether you're seeking specific area codes, toll-free options, or voice and SMS compatibility, Opentact's Number API empowers you to customize your telephony experience with ease and precision.

Last updated

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