
Handling Unmatched DTMF Codes with <Default>

The <Default> command inside a <Gather> block is used to define actions that will be executed when the caller enters a DTMF code that is not covered by any specific <DTMF> block within the <Gather>.


  <DTMF value="1">
    <Say>You chose option 1</Say>

  <DTMF value="2">
    <Say>You chose option 2</Say>

  <!-- Default block for unmatched DTMF codes -->
    <Say>Wrong DTMF code entered. Please try again.</Say>

In this example, if the caller enters a DTMF code that is not covered by the specific blocks for options 1 and 2, the <Default> block will be executed. It allows you to handle cases where the entered DTMF code doesn't match any predefined options.


  • tag (string):

    • Notification event tag used to mark call notification events (if configured).

The <Default> command provides a way to gracefully handle situations where the caller's input does not match any expected DTMF codes, allowing you to guide them with a custom response.

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